At Willow Park School, we have a CODE OF CONDUCT for everyone

Willow Park School Staff
...are expected to follow the Staff Code of Conduct at all times, including:
Prioritise safeguarding and child protection above all else
Treat pupils with respect
Know their children and their names
Have high expectations of themselves and of their pupils
Model good behaviour
Be approachable and fun
Actively listen to children
Solve problems and create solutions
Ensure that the learning area inside and outside is safe and welcoming
Prepare learning opportunities to carefully meet the needs of all children
Be open, transparent, communicative, honest and welcoming to parents
Work with other agencies in the best interests of the children and their families.
Willow Park School Pupils
...are encouraged to
Arrive at school in good time
Be kind to others
Keep hands, teeth and feet to themselves
Look after school property
Tell an adult if they are scared
Tell an adult if somebody is being unkind to them

...are asked to
Ensure their child arrives on time with the equipment and clothing they need for the day
Ensure that their child has a good night’s sleep before each school day
Try to ensure that their child has breakfast before school
Treat school staff kindly and trust that we will always act in the best interests of all of the children
Let the school know if anything has happened during the school day that has upset their child
Model good behaviour to their child
Respect the school’s expectations and policies
Avoid taking their child out of school during term time
Attend parents’ evenings and annual reviews
Notify the school of any changes for their child (dietary needs, behavioural needs, medical needs)
Keep the school updated about any relevant information to do with their child